Our Institutional KYC application form can be found here. Once you have the form, here is a detailed guide on how to complete it.
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The first page of the KYC form will list the instructions as well as the documents that are to be provided by the applicant(s).
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Please ensure that ALL the fields are filled up with the correct information. Failure to provide any of the required fields will result in full review of application to be delayed and potential for application to be voided. If an application is voided, a new account must be created and a new KYC application form with supporting documents must be provided.
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Please ensure that details of ALL Authorized Users, all Beneficial Owners who own or control 25% (10% for Money Services Businesses) or more of the equity interests of the Institution are provided, including their ownership or control percentage.
Please provide a Photo ID and Proof of Residence for ALL Beneficial Owners, Authorized Users, and/or persons with management control.
- Even if you provided us your ID during account sign-up, we kindly ask you to provide your Photo IDs as part of the onboarding process and for our documentation.
- If your business is a non-US company, please provide the required details for all the Directors. Please note that a valid ID/ Passport copy and proof of residential address are only required to be provided for each beneficial owner and authorized user of the account. If additional directors are needed please use the provided addendum pages.
- If the institution's beneficial ownership structure includes intermediary entities, please provide a beneficial ownership chart, with percentage of ownership by each intermediary entity as well as individual beneficial owners of each intermediary entity.
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Please ensure that the Completed KYC form is signed by a Beneficial Owner, an Authorized User, or a Person with Management Control as stated in Page 3. KYC forms that are signed by any other user will not be valid.
Submit the form and required documents here, under the “Institutional/Business Request” issue category. Under Request Type, please select “Institutional Onboarding - Document Submission” Provide your email address, set the subject as “Institutional Account Sign Up – (Insert Name of your Institution)”.